The Cracker Trail "Larry Hooper Memorial DOG" was held on 10/4/09!

For the first time in several years we did not suffer a "monsoon" during our Fall DOG! Instead we had a wonderful sunshine filled day with good friends and new members (soon-to-be friends).

We started gathering in Avon Park about noon and by about 2PM most of those cooking were present and set up--working away. When the ovens were on, we then had time to sit and chat. We enjoyed some great fellowship, catching up on everyone's summer. A number went to the "Mile-High" DOG in the Carolina's this summer, camping for several days (to several weeks in some cases). A new pair of members met our folks there and then joined our group--this DOG was their first exposure to some of us that are a bit more "unusual" - hope they continue with us!

We had lots of great things prepared. I do have some recipes, but, unfortunately, I did not recieve very many this time. My pictures are also limited, since my camera is pretty worn out and works when it feels like it, so I do not have many of folks cooking--sorry about that (requested pictures from other members, but since I did not receive any, they were probably too busy talking with folks to get any pictures, either). I did get some good pictures of the food--which is the important part. . . .I guess. . . If you want recipes, email me.

We had a short business meeting (our annual meeting) afterwards. We are an extremely low-maintenance group and do not stand on formalities. Everyone present thought the present officers were doing well (meaning that none present wanted our jobs), so it was unanamously decided that the present officers should retain their positions this next year. Apparently we have to work harder in our efforts to tick someone off so they will want our jobs. . .

One order of business was to change our Fall DOG--we are NOW cooking on November 22 at Lake Kissimmee State Park (not Mary Holland Park in Bartow) and many of the members wanted to camp for the weekend at that time--if other members want to camp (DOG is still Sunday afternoon), they need to see about reservations as the camp does fill up with "snowbirds." The February DOG will be at Mary Holland Park.

Visitors are welcome to come visit (and cook, should they choose) with us at the November Dog at Lake Kissimmee State Park (located East of Lake Wales off of US 60)--we usually start Sundays after church with members starting around 12:00 noon and continue to arrive after their church gets out. Guest and member's dinner is usually about 4:30 PM, so all foods must be done by then. Hope to see you there!

Cracker Trail Dutch Oven Society Officers:
Director: Debbie Barber -
Vice-Director: Norm Church -
Secretary, Newsletter Editor, : Stew Gaylord -
Blog Editor, Membership contact

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great event!
